May 12, 2022 5:35 am Published by

I drive a turquoise Jeep. It’s not a conventional color on a vehicle and I chose it for that reason. The dealer calls the color “bikini pearl” and I fell in love with it.  

There aren’t a lot of Jeeps on the road in this color. For me, it’s bright and cheerful and makes it unique in the sea of vehicles on the road. 

As I left Good Day Café (one of my favorite local restaurants near West End) on a crisp, sunny, pre-Easter morning following an engaging breakfast meeting, I was greeted with a surprise.  

It was the best kind of surprise, offering whimsy, joy, and someone doing something for no reason other than to brighten another person’s day. 

I walked the short distance to my driver’s door and positioned strategically on the door handle was a turquoise duck with purple troll doll hair whose color matched my Jeep. 

It was one of those things that made Ali and me smile as we greeted the rest of our day.  

A simple, thoughtful goofy gesture left to bring a smile.  

And it did. 

I now travel with my new dashboard ornament reminding me that small gestures pay kindness and joy forward in simple, unexpected ways. 

That reminder prompts me every time I’m in my car to pay it forward intentionally.  

There’s nothing random about it. 
