August 17, 2022 5:25 am Published by

Recognizing passion is a gift. 

When people do what they love, it shows; and it’s contagious. While this is rewarding as an adult it’s even more inspiring to see it in those you love. 

Our friends next door have a 6-year-old, his name is Edison. Eddy has a passion for Rubik’s Cubes. He doesn’t just solve them quickly (just over 25 seconds for his PR!), he solves them consistently in about a minute. While this is impressive, he’s also talented and uses them to create 3D art. When we saw his first piece, I was blown away.  

I had to have one – so I asked him to make one that looked like our dog (and mascot) Spanky. I’m pleased to say you can see the video of him creating here.  

When you witness talent, support it every way you can.  

Each of us has a unique contribution to make and when we help each other recognize our special gifts, we shine even brighter in the world.  

Perhaps it’s one more reason we need each other. 
