April 30, 2019 10:00 am Published by

Stop Seeking Balance #52

Balance is a myth (or as I wrote in my book, Chasing Perfection, balance is bullshit!). It’s the incredible illusion of our work and home life being “balanced” in some magical way that the world around you sees as an enviable reality being experienced every single day. It’s a topic that cycles around during specific times of the year (especially around the end of year and holidays) when you’re least likely to have any space on your calendar – so you feel even worse.

It’s a popular topic, balance. I’ve been asked to speak more about that book chapter than many of the others. I think it’s perpetuated by many things. One of them is social media. Because most of us post the “highlights” of our lives, it creates a cascade of feelings when our lives are out of skew with what brings us peace and joy. Another reason is that many of us live in comparison to others – social media or not. Comparison has many quotes attributed to it, none of which are forwarding (see blog #49). Two powerful quotes worth noting are: “Comparison is the death of peace and well-being;” and “comparison is the thief of joy.” None of the references I’ve found on comparison contribute to any sort of “balance.”

As I’ve continued to think about what is being referenced by “balance” I believe it has more to do with an experience of connectedness to what we derive significance and meaning by doing; when we spend time doing these things, they align with a much higher purpose for our time and meaning in our life.

For entrepreneurs and leaders, the purpose of your business; who it serves, the people you help and the problems you solve are all a profound source of significance and meaning for you. This is the fuel behind the long hours you spend working.

Perhaps your “balance” will never be defined or understood by the 85-90% of those people who don’t enjoy their work being represented by the media?
