March 28, 2019 10:00 am Published by

Teamwork is not a Cliché #29

I work with teams, I celebrate teams, I watch teams and enjoy helping teams in my work. It’s entirely gratifying to work with talented people who contribute their unique skills and talents to a common goal generously. 

It’s even more gratifying when that team is your family. When you work together in what seems to be a coordinated dance, with each person doing the things they’re best at, with little direction and coordination necessary to accomplish something that feels purposeful, important and even magical. 

When those two worlds combine, and family is the team you’re winning with, it’s humbling. It’s humbling to recognize you each have a role, you have all you need within your tribe, everyone’s contribution is vital, and you give each other spoken and silent permission to be great. With every action and interaction, it seems your power is magnified. The purpose leads you, guides you and becomes the tether between you.  

It’s easier. It’s more fun. It’s exhilarating and each of us feel validated. 

Perhaps we’re all family. Perhaps this is a natural state we access when we’re fully present and each contributing to a greater good we all believe in. Perhaps it’s only our egos and limiting beliefs that prevent us from having this experience more often.  

I believe in teamwork. The experience is one which magnifies what’s possible for everyone present. It’s not a cliché; it’s quite possibly the answer to the challenges we all face.  
