December 1, 2021 4:00 am Published by

Episode 136:

We all experience moments in life when we feel down or in a bad mood, and we may typically step back during those times. However, this week Sue chooses to be vulnerable and share some of the challenges she has been facing in life recently. During this episode of the Intentional Greatness® podcast, Sue also explains how to move forward when you are feeling bad, and the importance of evaluating the things you say yes and no to in life.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • The first thing that Sue does when she is in a bad mood
  • How to hack yourself when you are feeling down or not your best self
  • How to do the things you love without making it a bad experience or becoming resentful
  • Why saying yes to one thing often includes several additional yesses
  • What an inauthentic yes is and why we shouldn’t do it
  • Why it’s important to weigh and evaluate your yeses and nos


Feeling Down

We all experience moments in life when we feel down or in a bad mood, and we may typically step back during those times. However, this week Sue chooses to be vulnerable and share some of the challenges she has been facing in life recently. During this episode of the Intentional Greatness® podcast, Sue also explains how to move forward when you are feeling bad, and the importance of evaluating the things you say yes and no to in life.

Hacking Yourself

Sometimes it’s okay to resent that the world isn’t happening on your terms. It’s okay to be sad and upset about the circumstances or struggles that you are facing. When you feel this way, you can hack yourself into feeling better by giving more of what you need. If you want a hug, go give one, acknowledge or appreciate someone when you don’t feel appreciated. Once you put that energy out into the world, you often start to see it return to you.

Evaluating Yes

Do not be too quick to say yes. Pause long enough to evaluate, and then negotiate. If the answer is no, give yourself permission to say so. During the short term, you might feel a little bit of hurt or sadness, but you don’t want to give an inauthentic yes because you gave a yes that at the moment seemed like the right thing to do, and then the day of may not. Evaluate your yesses and nos and learn to say no and stick with it.

Download Your FREE Chapter of Chasing perfection

Get the first chapter of Sue’s book, Chasing Perfection: Shatter The Illusion along with the companion toolkit, the Maximizing Success Journal!
